Tail Recursion In Scala And Clojure

September 9, 2016

I recently read a blog post about issues with writing purely functional code in Scala. The post talked a bit about a paper addressing tail-recursion in Scala. The code example (taken from the paper) was an implementation of zip lists, called zipIndex, that was not properly tail-recursive and would result in a stack overflow for relatively small inputs. A later post from the author will look at ways of addressing the problem and I’m looking forward to reading about it.

I’m wondering if the next post will do something similar to the tail-recursive factorial function.

def factorial(n: BigInt): BigInt = {
    def fact(n: BigInt, result: BigInt): BigInt = {
        if (n == 0) return result
        else return fact(n - 1, result * n)
    return fact(n, 1)

I’d write a zip list in much the same way:

def loopRecur[A](index: Int, coll: Seq[A], zippedList: List[(Int, A)]): List[(Int, A)] = {
    if (coll.isEmpty) return zippedList
    else return loopRecur(index + 1, coll.tail, zippedList ++ List((index, coll.head)))
// Given a sequence of items, returns a List of tuples of the form (item index, item)
def zipIndex[A](coll: Seq[A]): List[(Int, A)] = {
    return loopRecur(0, coll, List.empty[(Int, A)])

The recursion is handled with the function loopRecur, which is named after Clojure’s loop and recur forms. I’ve tested the above implementation of zipIndex with inputs of up to 100,000 elements. I find the Clojure analog to be somewhat simpler. It’s also much faster than the Scala.

(defn zipIndex [coll]
  (loop [list coll
         n 0
         result []]
    (if (empty? list)
      (recur (rest list) (inc n) (conj result [n (first list)])))))

To test the Clojure, assuming you have access to a Clojure REPL, you can run (zipList (range 100000)) and then be amazed at how much faster the Clojure version runs compared to the Scala (assuming the Scala I wrote above is efficient).