Probability Monad in Swift

March 25, 2016

I read about the probability monad in The Frequentist Approach to Probability a couple of years ago and thought it was pretty neat. I decided to make one in Swift, as an exercise in learning the language, after having done the same in Clojure and Java 8.

If you don’t know what a monad is, don’t worry, it’s not important for this post. Just know that it lets you do neat stuff with probability distributions, programmatically speaking. Ok… on to the code.

Protocols for Probabilities

I initially tried to do this with two protocols. I was feeling very gung-ho about protocol-oriented programming and was thinking of Swift’s protocols like Scala’s traits. I had one protocol that described randomly sampling values from a probability distribution

protocol Stochastic {
  // the type of value stored in the distribution
  associatedtype ValueType

  // Sample a single value from the distribution
  func get() -> ValueType

  // Sample n values from the distribution
  func sample(n: Int) -> [ValueType]

and another one that allowed for parameterization, for things like the Poisson distribution.

protocol Parameterized {
    associatedtype ParameterType
    var p: ParameterType { get }

You may have noticed that there’s no protocol that allows you to map one distribution into another, which is what would make this into a monad. That’s because I had not yet figured out how to do it with structs or classes. It’s easy to map one set of values drawn from a distribution into another set of values according to a function. But I really needed to create a new struct with a specific get() function. And then I remembered that functions were first class values in Swift!

Turns out you don’t need protocols or classes for this at all. You can do it all with a pretty simple struct!

Probability Distributions via Closures

With a single generic struct, we have everything we need for the probability monad. To convert one distribution into another, we need only pass in a function that maps elements of one distribution into elements of the other.

struct Distribution<A> {
    var get: () -> A?

    func sample(n: Int) -> [A] {
        return (1...n).map { x in get()! }

    func map<B>(using f: @escaping (A) -> B) -> Distribution<B> {
        var d = Distribution<B>(get: {() -> Optional<B> in return nil})
        d.get = {
            (Void) -> B in return f(self.get()!)
        return d

First, to do any sampling, we need to generate random numbers. Swift offers arc4random for this. If you’re on macOS, you can use the Foundation framework (unsure if arc4random is on Linux). You could also use GameplayKit’s GKRandomSource on any of the Apple platforms. Or you can always use something from C.

func randomDouble() -> Double {
  return Double(arc4random()) / Double(UInt32.max)

Let’s see what we can do if we start from the Uniform distribution. Below, we pass the random number generator function to the distribution’s constructor.

let uniform = Distribution<Double>(get: randomDouble)

For starters, we can easily generate the true-false distribution by mapping the Uniform distribution with a function that generates boolean values from a double. From there, it’s straightforward to transform the true-false distribution into the Bernoulli distribution

let tf ={ $0 < 0.7 })

let bernoulli ={ $0 ? 1 : 0 })

By passing the appropriate transformation function or closure to the map function, one type of distribution can be converted into another.

Composing Distributions

If you want to compose distributions, then our Distribution struct needs to use a flatMap function to map one distribution into another. This works by composing the input function f so that when values are sampled, the values are directly drawn from the new distribution.

func map<B>(using f: @escaping (A) -> Distribution<B>) -> Distribution<B> {
    var d = Distribution<B>(get: { () -> Optional<B> in return nil })
    d.get = {
        (Void) -> B in return f(self.get()!).get()!
    return d

One example of composing distributions comes from combining a pair of six-sided dice. We can start with a single die. (For this, we need to generate random integers)

func nextInt(min min: Int, max: Int) -> ((Void) -> Int) {
     assert(max > min)
     return { () in return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32((max - min) + 1))) + min }

 let die6 = Distribution<Int>(get: nextInt(min: 1, max: 6))

Next, we can use the flatMap function to compose the distributions of a pair of six-sided dice by passing in a function that combines the rolls of a pair of dice.

let dice = die6.flatMap({
  (d1: Int) in return{ (d2: Int) in return d1 + d2 })


Now that you’ve seen all the pieces, here’s the final form of the probability distribution struct:

struct Distribution<A> {
    var get: () -> A?

    func sample(n: Int) -> [A] {
        return (1...n).map { x in get()! }

    func map<B>(using f: @escaping (A) -> B) -> Distribution<B> {
        var d = Distribution<B>(get: { () -> Optional<B> in return nil })
        d.get = {
            (Void) -> B in return f(self.get()!)
        return d

    func mapDistribution<B>(using f: @escaping (A) -> Distribution<B>) -> Distribution<B> {
        var d = Distribution<B>(get: { () -> Optional<B> in return nil })
        d.get = {
            (Void) -> B in return f(self.get()!).get()!
        return d

    let N = 10000
    func prob(of predicate: (A) -> Bool) -> Double {
        return Double(sample(n: N).filter(predicate).count) / Double(N)

    func mean() -> Double {
        return sample(n: N).reduce(0, { $0 + Double(String(describing: $1))! }) / Double(N)

    func variance() -> Double {
        var sum: Double = 0
        var sqrSum: Double = 0

        for x in sample(n: N) {
            let xx = Double(String(describing: x))!
            sum += xx
            sqrSum += xx * xx

        return (sqrSum - sum * sum / Double(N)) / Double(N-1)

    func stdDev() -> Double {
        return sqrt(self.variance())

Computing Statistics for a Distribution

You may have noticed a few functions for summary statistics (mean, etc) and probability computation. The most important function is prob, which lets you use predicates to ask questions of the distribution. There are a few basic examples of what you can do below.

uniform.mean() // Approximately 0.5

uniform.prob(of: { $0 > 0.7 })   // Approximately 0.3

dice.prob(of: { $0 == 7 })   // Approximately 1/6

If I can figure how to properly implement the given() function I’ll add that in a future post. I also want to be able to handle more interesting distributions, like that seen in a probabilistic graphical model.

The code is at